Hoarding and Clutter Management

Lost in the Clutter

 “Where did all this stuff come from?”

“Why do I have all this?”

“How can I possibly sort through all these things?”

Little by little, a little becomes a lot.

We never make a conscious decision to accumulate many things in our home.

But time passes, and day by day, room by room, we eventually have too much of what may well have started out as a good thing.

How to turn that around?

Little by little.

I’ve yet to find a single, ready-made solution for each person working with a very full home.

Each home is different. Each person is different.

What’s more, clutter can accumulate in different areas of your home for different reasons.

The kitchen is a good example.

Cluttered counters, dishes in the sink, packed cabinets, a full refrigerator, a filled china cabinet, a kitchen table the top of which you haven’t seen in weeks (months? You’re not alone!).

There are different reasons why each of these areas fills up.

And you can come to understand what those reasons are and how to work with them.

That’s right: “with them,” not “against them.”

You’re not at war with your belongings or with the reasons you have them.

It’s possible to make your home a place of peace, rest, and restoration of body and soul.

I can help you make it so.

If you’re willing, we can get you started right away.

We will find ways for you to see progress soon and feel hopeful about the process.

The secret to long-term success is your awareness and your willingness.

Your awareness of what you’re doing, and your willingness to find out why you’re doing it.

Your awareness that home keeping can sometimes be tedious, and your willingness to do it anyway.

Your awareness that old habits die hard, and your willingness to create new ones.

Know yourself, know your home.

Let the clutter go, let life come in, and realize there will always be enough.

Call (805) 630-3453 today to schedule a time to chat about how I can help.