Individual Therapy

Something just doesn’t feel right.

A loss, a crisis, or a sudden change in direction has shaken you to the core.

Painful aspects of your past are showing up in the present, asking for your attention in a way they haven’t before.

The Nagging Sense of Uncertainty

A powerful restlessness has descended on your life for no apparent reason.

This discontent keeps hammering away at you, and you don’t know why, much less what to do about it.

The resulting heaviness in your body has you dragging through your days and struggling in your relationshps.

A Place for Discovering Answers

Some people come to therapy simply because they “want someone to talk to” who is objective and not involved in their day-to-day lives.

And some people come because they are seeking guidance and companionship on their journey of personal growth – their search for greater meaning.

These are all good reasons for seeking therapy.

In therapy I welcome whatever you have to say each day.

Whether it’s something that happened on the way to the office that day or what it felt like when you were six and your parents divorced, I am here to listen.

What you dreamed the night before or what you dream of accomplishing over the next 10 years are equally pertinent topics for our discussion.

What movie you saw last weekend, what book you loved as a child, the song that makes you want to dance or sing or cry every time you hear it – it’s all part of you.

And it’s all relevant to what brought you to therapy.

Even when neither of us can quite make the connection in the moment, the meaning of what you’re telling me, and the truth of your story, will become apparent as we go.

As you tell me about yourself, I listen for themes and patterns. I ask you questions. I tell you what I notice. You tell me if that resonates.

Together, we identify what skills and strategies you need to navigate your current situation. As we work together, you craft new habits of being and new ways of making your way in the world.

A Break in the Clouds

Then one day you notice that the reason that brought you to therapy no longer defines your days.

Your relationship with that issue or with that person has changed, because your relationship with yourself has changed.

We’ve done the good work that individual therapy makes possible, and now you can go out and enjoy the benefits.

Call (805) 630-3453 today to get started on the journey back to yourself.

The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.

–Carl Jung